Surface & Driving Conditions Sign: Dip - 24x24 - EG Reflective

Surface & Driving Conditions Sign: Dip - 24x24 - EG Reflective


$ 155.68 

Inform road-users of a incoming depression in the roadway with this traffic safety sign.

  • Meets standards of MUTCD Section 2C.28
  • DIP (W8-2) signs should be used to give warning of a sharp rise or depression in the profile of the road
  • Post traffic signs to safely direct and regulate the flow of vehicles and pedestrians in and around parking areas, dock areas, and roadways
  • Use signs as specified by the MUTCD (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices), which contains the national standards
  • MUTCD identifies that traffic signs and pavement markings on all roads open to public traffic are to be High-Intensity Prismatic
  • Reflective sheeting is bonded to .080 aluminum and printed with UV-inks to prevent fading

Signs Protected By Sign Muscle A Clear Laminate To Protect Your Signs From Graffiti, Chemicals, and Weather.