Haz-Com/GHS Centers

Haz-Com/GHS Centers

SDS Centers | www.signslabelsandtags.comAll Chemical manufacturers, distributors, or importers are required to keep Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) to communicate the hazards of hazardous products, per OSHA and The Hazard Communication Standard (HCS). Keeping your employees well-informed about hazardous communication is easy with SDS Centers. SDS Centers conveniently provide a designated location for all your SDS and can easily be mounted in a centralized location at your jobsite or facility. Ensure your workers have access to relevant information about the chemicals they work with SDS Centers.

Store your mandatory SDS information in a SDS Centers that fit your needs. When working on a jobsite, keep all your hazardous communication stored in durable steel, Job-Site Safety Documents Box. For storing chemical information inside your facility, use Basket-Style, Pocket-Style, or SDS Storage Centers to ensure all employees are aware of critical safety information.